Sourdough Sandwich Loaf

Once we have our sourdough starter ready, the next exciting job is to be bake a lovely loaf of bread. I have baked this loaf multiple times with all purpose flour, with part wheat flour and seeded loaf too. All of the loaves turned out amazing and I have loved every version of it. I have been making this sandwich loaf nearly every week and my family loves having these bread slices with jam butter, cheese, sandwich, stuffed, etc. This is a simple loaf and the perfect one to make as a beginner.

Sandwich loaf with multiple sides and dips

Ingredients & Equipment

  • Sourdough starter (fed) 75 gms
  • All purpose flour / Maida 300 gms
  • Milk powder 15 gms
  • Water 210 gms
  • Butter (salted / unsalted) 15 gms plus for greasing
  • Salt 9 gms
  • Hand mixer / Stand mixer (Optional)
  • Large bowl
  • Small bowl / jar
  • 7″ or 8″ Loaf tin
  • Wire rack
Paneer masala open toast

Step 1 – Feeding the Starter

A strong starter doubles in volume within four hours

Since we need 85 gms of starter, we will start with 25 gms of starter from the refrigerator. Let it come to room temperature and add 30 gms of flour and 30 gms of water. Mix well to ensure no dry flour remains. It will double in 3-6 hours depending on the weather conditions. Once it doubles, it is ready to be mixed into the dough.

Step 2 – Autolyse

Autolyse is a simple process which gives amazing results. So even though this step is optional, I would strongly recommend this step. Autolyse is mixing the flour and water before it is time to add the starter. In this step, we take 300 gms of flour, 210 gms water and 15 gms milk powder in a large bowl and mix together. We do not need to knead the dough but only mix them together to ensure no dry flour remains. Cover and keep aside. The autolyse can be for any amount of time from 1 hour to 4 hours. You can do this at the same time as feeding your starter or at a later time as per your convenience. Autolyse lets the flour absorb the water and makes it softer and ready for the sourdough starter. This is especially recommended when you use whole wheat flour or other less glutenous flours for your loaf.

Step 3 – Mixing the dough

Once the starter has doubled we are ready to mix the dough. Add the sourdough starter, salt and butter to the large bowl with the dough and mix them all together to ensure no dry flour remains.

Step 4 – Kneading the dough

We can either knead by hand or by a mixer. Kneading by hand will take longer. If you are kneading by mixer, you have to knead for 10 minutes and then rest the dough for 15 minutes. After resting knead it again for 5-7 minutes till you can do the window pane test for the dough. If you are kneading by hand, do 3 turns of kneading with 2 breaks in between. Knead for 10 minutes then rest the dough for 10 minutes. Then knead for 2 stretches of 5 minutes each with a break of 5 minutes between them. Then the dough should be ready for the window pane test. The window pane test is stretching the dough till it is nearly transparent and you can see the light coming through it without it tearing.

Step 5 -Bulk Ferment

After the dough is sufficiently kneaded, we place it in a well oiled bowl and cover it. We then leave it to double in volume. This can take around 4 to 6 hours depending on the weather. Bulk ferment is also called the first rise of the dough before it is divided or shaped.

Step 6 – Shaping & Proofing

Once the dough doubles in volume transfer it to a lightly floured surface. Bring it together by folding it like an envelope on four sides. Then shape it into a log of 7 or 8 inches depending on your loaf tin size. Grease the loaf tin generously. Transfer the dough to the loaf tin. Cover and set aside. The dough should reach near the rim of the loaf tin in around 1 hour, if it warm enough.

Step 7 – Baking

Once the dough reaches near the rim of the loaf tin, preheat the oven to 200C. Brush the top of the dough with some milk. You can add seeds to the top of the loaf at this point. Bake for 40 minutes or till the top of the loaf is nicely brown.

Step 8 – Cooling

Once the loaf is nicely brown, take it out of the oven. Keep it in the loaf tin for 10 minutes. Then loosen the loaf from the sides of the tin with a butter knife or spoon. Generously apply butter to all sides of the loaf, especially on top so that the crust is soft and ideal for a sandwich bread. Transfer the loaf to a wire rack and cool it completely, around 2 hours.

Storing the loaf

I like to store the loaf wrapped in a cloth and then put in a box or cover till I first use it. Usually I finish baking late evening. Then once the loaf has completely cooled I wrap it in a kitchen towel and put it in a ziploc bag till the next morning when I slice it and have it for breakfast. I would recommend finishing the loaf within 3 days and not extend it for too long.

Seeded sandwich loaf

Variations to the loaf

I have tried a few different ways with this loaf and have found reasonable success. I have baked with 100% all purpose flour. I have baked it with different seeds. I have baked with 120 gms whole wheat flour and the balance 180 gms all purpose flour. The only difference is that the water needs to be increased to 225 gms. Otherwise you can follow this recipe as is. I plan to try with some other flours like oat flour, rye flour at around 25-30% with the remaining all purpose flour. I will keep this post updated with my results.

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Sourdough Sandwich Loaf

A regular sandwich loaf made tastier and more nutritious with sourdough starter

  • Hand mixer (Optional)
  • OTG or MIcrowave Oven to bake
  • 7 or 8 inch loaf tin
  • Mixing bowls

For the Sourdough Starter

  • 25 gms Unfed starter
  • 30 gms All purpose flour
  • 30 gms Water

For the Bread Dough

  • 300 gms All purpose flour
  • 210 gms Water
  • 15 gms Milk powder
  • 9 gms Salt
  • 15 gms Butter (Salted or unsalted)

Feeding the sourdough starter

  1. Mix all the ingredients for the sourdough starter in a jar or bowl thoroughly.

  2. COver and set aside till it doubles in volume, usually 3-5 hours

For the bread dough

  1. Mix the flour, water and milk powder in a large bowl thoroughly

  2. Cover and set aside for 2 hours or till the starter is ready. This process is called autolyse

  3. Add the sourdough starter, salt and butter to the flour and water and mix well

  4. Knead by hand or with a mixer for 15-20 minutes till the dough passes the windowpane test

  5. Cover and set aside till the dough doubles in volume, around 4 hours

  6. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and shape into a 7 or 8" log

  7. Grease the loaf tin and transfer the dough to the loaf tin

  8. Cover and set aside till the dough rises to the rim of the loaf tin

  9. Preheat the oven to 200C

  10. Brush the top of the dough with milk

  11. Bake for 40 minutes or till the top of the loaf is nicely brown

  12. Remove from the oven and cool it in the tin for 10 mins.

  13. Take the loaf out of the loaf tin and generously apply butter on all sides to soften the crust

  14. Cool on a wire rack till the loaf is completely cool, around 2 hours

  15. Slice and enjoy your sandwiches

bread, sourdough

24 Comments Add yours

  1. Sapna says:

    You are bread queen Sowmya, no wonders tour family is living your loaves every week. Don’t need to buy them no more.


    1. Sowmya:) says:

      That’s so sweet Sapana! Thanks a lot


  2. Archana says:

    Sowmya it is so beautiful. I loved it and you definitely have excelled in sourdough baking. Your pics are tempting me to try my hand but right now I rather finish the work at hand.
    Loved the layout and the way you have explained. The recipe card great.


    1. Sowmya:) says:

      Thanks a bunch Archana!! Awaiting your loaf next 😀


  3. Awesome ! I have always loved breads baked by you – this loaf and all the accompaniments are asking me to bake some bread – but somehow it’s not my forte ! Keep rocking !


  4. Priya Srinivasan says:

    Wow sowmya, that’s one beautiful loaf!! Love that whole try with all accompaniments!! Such a pretty sight and so colorful!!!


  5. Suma Gandlur says:

    That is one beautiful bread. The texture looks amazing.


  6. Beautiful loaf of bread sowmya. LOvely


  7. Amazing texture to the bread. Love the platter. I am dreaming that someday someone will offer that platter to me for breakfast 🙂


  8. namscorner18 says:

    Amazing texture of the bread and looks so soft. I am bookmarking to try when I make my starter


  9. Padmajha PJ says:

    Firstly I admire your patience in writing such a neat and detailed post.The next thing is your amazing sour dough bakes. I really wish I lived close by to taste your breads.


  10. Dimple says:

    Very well explained…thanks Sowmya


    1. Sowmya:) says:

      Thank you Dimple!


  11. Amrita Roy says:

    Each time I see your breads, they look awesome. You are an excellent Baker. Any amateur Baker can rely on your recipes for perfect outcome


  12. Sowmya I am impatiently waiting to get access to a good oven so that I can start baking breads again. Hubby and I love sourdough bread. This sourdough sandwich bread is bookmarked. What I like about your recipes is the clear cut instructions.


  13. Seema says:

    The bread is simply amazing. I don’t think I will have to call out to lunch if the platter looks like that. My kids will grab them up in no time.


  14. Archana says:

    An update I made this awesome bread and it was awesome. The loaf disappeared in no time and I am requested for another loaf.


  15. Your sourdough bread looks so good. You are a baking queen. For me sourdough baking is like a dream. Don’t know when I will be able to start. Your detailed post is surely tempting me to try sourdough breads.


  16. Lovely sandwich loaf, I am so tempted to bake now. It’s time I start but I need a good oven. Will buy one soon. Awesome.


  17. Sasmita says:

    I am yet to try my hand in sourdough bread.. This recipe seems so perfect for me to try soon. Lovely sandwich loaf here!


  18. Kalyani says:

    Just send me the entire loaf pls and I will make the paneer masala open toast which looks just as delish as the entire sourdough bread . Fabulous 💖


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