A to Z Flatbreads Round Up | 26 types of Dosas

The month is up and we have completed yet another mega marathon when we blog for 26 days of a month with a pre-decided theme. This time we blogged about 26 flatbreads – Indian / International or Dosas/ Pancakes. I chose the dosa/ pancake option and made 26 types of dosas, one for each letter…

Zucchini Utthapam

This morning, the husband was not happy when I made these delicious zucchini utthapams because he likes his dosas plain and simple. Then he looks at the date and goes ‘Ah! Z!’ It is amazing when the family is so into our mega marathon and it also is awesome that we have completed another mega…

Yellu Dosai | Sesame Seeds Dosa

This simple, tasty and easy dosai is a special one for me. It is my mother’s favorite dish and probably the only one she made for herself exclusively. I remember there were days when my brother and I would want to order in and dad was having dinner out or the rare days when mom…

Xacuti Paneer Dosa

Ever since I made this Xacuti Bread for last year’s mega BM, I was sure that every A-Z marathon would have a Xacuti dish for X. It is a flavorful spice and goes with quite a few dishes and blends in well. My first instinct was to mix a little of the spice in the…

Watermelon Dosa | Kalingana Polo

Today’s dish is from Konkan region of Maharashtra, India. It is a unique dish which uses the watermelon rind (the white part) in making this delicious watermelon dosa. I searched for this recipe and found multiple variations of it. One of it mentions that we can use even the red fruit portion of the watermelon…

Thousali | Konkani Cucumber Dosa

It is kind of hard to believe how quickly this month has passed and we are in the final week already. By the end of the week we will be done with another awesome mega marathon of blogging 26 days of a month. Every time I decide to participate in a mega marathon of this…

Mysore Masala Dosai

I am sure there is hardly anyone who would not have tasted the classic exquisite Mysore Masala Dosai. It is one of the most popular dishes for any meal of the day and is enjoyed by people across the country. I was initially skeptical about choosing this one for the alphabet M as against other…

Jini Dosa

When I posted the Farali Dosa few days ago, I spoke about the option of a French fries dosa. Surprisingly many of my blogging friends expressed an interest in it. I am yet to come to terms with that travesty but I thought it would be a good idea to include at least one dosa…

Mixed Vegetable Sagu – Karnataka Special Meals

I am back to Blogging after what seems like ages though it’s actually been just a month. This week I will be posting three different thalis or combo menus. When Valli announced this theme, she was benevolent to allow us to post one recipe from our previous thali menus. So when I checked on the…

Soya Tomato Dosa

Pressure situations result in some fun inspiration and quick fix dishes. I overslept last weekend and that coincided with the husband and daughter waking up early and being very hungry before I had time to sip my tea. So I needed a quick breakfast to keep them calm. One thing led to another and I…