Watermelon Dosa | Kalingana Polo


Today’s dish is from Konkan region of Maharashtra, India. It is a unique dish which uses the watermelon rind (the white part) in making this delicious watermelon dosa. I searched for this recipe and found multiple variations of it. One of it mentions that we can use even the red fruit portion of the watermelon and that would give the dosa a lovely orange colour. I fell in love with that colour and so decided to use some part of the fruit too.

Once I had mixed the rice and watermelon, I discovered that the fruit was way too watery for the amount of rice I had. So I added some crushed peanuts left over from yesterday’s Peanut Dosa and the results were so fabulous that the daughter gobbled up two dosas within minutes. It is a recipe for keeps.


Recipe adapted from here

Makes 8-10 dosas


1/2 cup Raw rice / Idli rice

1/4 cup Watermelon fruit & rind

1/4 cup Grated coconut

2-3 tbsp Crushed peanuts





  • Soak the rice overnight or for 4 hours. Cover and set aside
  • If you are in a hurry, soak the rice in hot water for 1 hour
  • Drain the water completely and transfer the rice to a mixer jar
  • Cut off the green skin of the watermelon
  • Chop the rest of the fruit into small pieces and transfer them to the mixer jar
  • Add the coconut and salt
  • Blend to a smooth batter
  • Transfer it to a vessel and let it ferment for 6-7 hours
  • If the batter seems to be runny then add 2-3 tbsp of crushed peanuts or rice flour to thicken the batter
  • Heat a tava and drizzle a little oil on it
  • Pour a ladle full of batter and spread it in a circular shape as a thick dosa
  • Drizzle a little oil around the edges
  • Once the edges start to brown, use a steel spatula to disengage the dosa from the tava and turn it over
  • Let is cook on simmer for 30 seconds or so
  • Then take it off the tava and repeat the procedure with the rest of the batter
  • Serve warm with chutney of your choice
  • Enjoy!


Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 92


13 Comments Add yours

    1. Sowmya:) says:

      Thank you so much Jyoti


  1. Priya Suresh says:

    Seriously you guys are fabulous for coming up with these sort of interesting dosas. Watermelon dosa was in my bookmarks and now am so tempted to give a try very soon..Irresistible dosa there.


  2. code2cook says:

    watermelon dosa surely tempting. Can imagine the taste now as your daughter is the proof. I am hearing lot of praise for this dosa, in my trial list.


  3. harini says:

    I thought about watermelon paratha and you have posted watermelon dosa!! Fantastic find. ext time I shall ask my folks not to throw away the watermelon rind 🙂


  4. These watermelon rind dosas have turned fabulous Sowmya. Adding peanut and watermelon fruit is such a wonderful idea. No words der your daughter finished it off in minutes.


  5. Simply Tadka says:

    Never thought about watermelon in dosa… love this unique recipe.


  6. Only mega BM can provoke you to make a watermelon Dosa ! Adding peanuts must have added on to the taste , definitely a very unique Dosa !


  7. Srivalli Jetti says:

    Ah we thought the same dish, and yours has come out even much better than what I got…and love the way you have used up other batter..very nice!


  8. I seriously didn’t know that so many varieties of dosas existed till I took part in this Mega BM. Dosa looks very yummy and love that it needs only rice.


  9. Renu Agrawal Dongre says:

    Wow watermelon dosa is new to me. Definitely a must try for me. Interesting pick for the difficult letter.


  10. Padmajha PJ says:

    This dosa has been in my bookmarks from as long as I can remember! Your version looks so good Sowmya and lovely color on the dose.


  11. That is a marvelous recipe using the watermelon rinds. I have never used watermelon rinds before, but this is a great recipe to try to get used to the taste.


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