Soya Tomato Dosa

Pressure situations result in some fun inspiration and quick fix dishes. I overslept last weekend and that coincided with the husband and daughter waking up early and being very hungry before I had time to sip my tea. So I needed a quick breakfast to keep them calm. One thing led to another and I…

Millet Dosa

The husband has been asking me to reduce the carbs in our daily diet since he has to lose only a few more kilos to reach his ideal weight. It is tough to take him seriously because he makes these requests while munching on a bag of chips or biting into a milk chocolate. But…

Moong Dal Chilla

My mother turned 60 a couple of months ago and to celebrate the occasion we went for a family lunch to this small but amazing restaurant called Swati Snacks in Mumbai. Every item on the menu was so delicious that we ordered quite a few of them multiple times. One of those dishes was this…

Potato Skins

My third recipe for this theme of USA cuisine was supposed to be this awesome s’mores mug cake. The only mistake I did was to wait to make it till the last minute because, mug cake. How difficult can it be? Mix ingredients and microwave for a minute, duh! But then I tried to be…

Quick Bread – Zucchini Bread

We had the children’s day celebration at our apartment complex for which they organised a drawing and colouring contest. Sounds good, right? But no. Parents were breathing down the necks of the little ones (read 8 to 10 year olds!) giving them detailed instructions on what they need to draw or the colour they need…

Fudge Brownies 

If there is one thing I am scared of baking then it is an eggless recipe. I panic and then mess up even the best of recipes. I have tries multiple recipes from various sources but the eggless version always betray me. My parents have now reached the stage of ‘super annoyed’ because they see…