Apple yeast water Bread

I have been reading up on making yeast water with different fruits and seeds and it is such an exciting concept. During one such binge, I came across this beautiful recipe in Facebook of a bread with apple yeast water and bread flour. I simply had to try it. So I immediately cut up an…

Pullman Loaf

This bread is a big check on my bucket list of breads to bake. I have wanted to bake the Pullman loaf for the longest time and the search for the loaf pan took forever. Finally I could lay my hands on a cool loaf tin with a lid and I immediately set off to…

Sourdough Brown Bread

One thing I learned is that the temperature and weather of a place has such a huge effect on the type of bread produced, especially in a sourdough loaf. The sourdough starter has to be able to double in size at a good speed for the loaf to rise and proof well. The same starter…

Cornell Bread

I have a bread today which I owe to my sudden bouts of cleaning my kitchen. There are certain days, however rare, when I go into a cleaning mode. Nowadays I do more frequent cleaning but just a small area at a time. When I was clearing up my baking section, I discovered a pack…

White Bread

For the longest time, I have been lured by hole-y crumbs. I have tried multiple ways to bake bread to get the perfect airy bread and I have not succeeded. I have been reading about this wherever and whenever possible, be it books or Facebook posts or articles on multiple websites. Though I still haven’t…

Rosemary Fougasse

This is yet another dish I was sure I had already blogged about. I searched my blog thrice with varying number of ‘s’ in Fougasse but I couldn’t find it. So the good news is that I have a dish to post today and the not so good news is that I am getting old…

Raisin Yeast Water Bread

It is December which means it is time for Bake-a-thon when I am part of the enthusiastic food bloggers group who blog about baked dishes three times a week for this whole month. As usual I had big time plans of having a specific theme for this month and being prepared in advance. Though I…

Rosemary Cornbread

When people move between countries, they take the best of what is available in the country of origin that would not be available in the country of destination. eg people who move from Malaysia to India would ideally buy furniture or electronics because the former is seen to be of better quality and the latter…

Sweet Potato Bread

Sweet potato bread has been on my to-do list for over a year now. We got amazing sweet potatoes in abundance in Malaysia which made me try and include it more in our diet. I tried quite a few recipes with it and the daughter was too pleased with most results. But somehow I missed…

Bread Au Gratin

Shakespeare asked ‘what’s in a name?’ I am sure he would change his mind if he saw today’s world. The name makes so much of a difference. Even regular simple things are enhanced by a fancy name. Our curiosity is piqued, our temptations increase and we get that impulse to buy the fancy stuff just…