A to Z Flatbreads Round Up | 26 types of Dosas

The month is up and we have completed yet another mega marathon when we blog for 26 days of a month with a pre-decided theme. This time we blogged about 26 flatbreads – Indian / International or Dosas/ Pancakes. I chose the dosa/ pancake option and made 26 types of dosas, one for each letter…

Farali Dosa

You can’t imagine my delight when I found out about this word, ‘farali’. It means ‘fasting’ and in our unique Indian way, fasting also has an awesome spread of dishes. I had always heard of ‘vrat’ or ‘upvas’ for fasting menu but never ‘farali’. Guess, that is why we do a mega marathon to find…

Indo Continental Breakfast

Like I said before, I love breakfast spreads and it is a perfect way to ensure the rest of your day goes well – begin with a hearty breakfast. Usually when we travel, most hotels provide a combination of bed and breakfast. In the past two years during all our travels, the husband and I…