Cheese Bread

So I have been having a good run at home what with baking more breads (especially this cheese bread) as compared to cookies or cake. But I will soon be caught out by the family and made to bake something sweet. I do not understand the love for sweet treats. I can happily live the…

Quick Bread – Zucchini Bread

We had the children’s day celebration at our apartment complex for which they organised a drawing and colouring contest. Sounds good, right? But no. Parents were breathing down the necks of the little ones (read 8 to 10 year olds!) giving them detailed instructions on what they need to draw or the colour they need…

Baked Spinach & Corn

I have seen and heard so much about baked spinach and corn but somehow I have never tried making it. I always end up making pasta with white sauce and forget about this wonderful combination. So when my favorite chef on TV, Venkatesh Bhat showed his recipe I knew I had to make it. So…